Discover early American sacred music manuscripts in our collection.
We're thankful to Dr. Nym Cooke for his work in compiling this bibliography of sacred music manuscripts held at the Congregational Library & Archives. Learn more about Dr. Cooke's Early American Sacred Music Project at
All copied inscriptions are in ink unless otherwise noted.
Labeled vocal parts are listed here from the top part down.
- 5-6 = slurred notes (setting one syllable)
- 5_|5 = note tied across a bar line
- “,” in a string of scale degree numbers = end of one line of text, start of the next
- 4tr = trill on the 4th degree of the scale
- 5+U1 = 2 notes at once in a part
- n4 = natural sign (or sharp) before 4th degree of the scale, signifying that it’s raised a half-step
- b7 = flatted 7th degree of the scale
- (6) = grace note
- MS. = Manuscript
- C. M. = Common Meter: the 4 lines of text have 8, 6, 8, and 6 syllables
- S. M. = Short Meter: the 4 lines of text have 6, 6, 8, and 6 syllables
- ☛ or ☚ = noteworthy
- ASMI = Britton, Lowens, and Crawford, American Sacred Music Imprints, 1698-1810: A Bibliography (American Antiquarian Society, 1990)
- HTI = Temperley, The Hymn Tune Index (available online)
1. Albee, Amos. The Norfolk Collection of Sacred Harmony. Dedham: Herman Mann, 1805. 160 pp.; lacks 4 unnumbered leaves at end, both covers; corner of leaf bearing t. p. torn off, with no loss of text.
- Inscription: t. p., “George [C?]ook No”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Bay Psalm Book – SEE
- The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New-Testament
2. [[Bayley, Daniel]. The American Harmony, or, Royal Melody Compleat…Vol. I. 8th ed “By William Tans’ur.” Newburyport, Mass.: Daniel Bayley, 1774.] BOUND WITH [Bayley, Daniel]. The American Harmony, or, Universal Psalmodist. Vol. II. “By A. Williams.” Newburyport, Mass.: Daniel Bayley, 1774. Vol. I lacks all before the 2 leaves numbered (on their facing verso + recto) 7-8; vol. II lacks pp. 79-80, and its pp. 33-40 are printed 37/34, 35/40, 33/38, 39/36.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “[illegible] […rom oust?],” “Isaac / Book” (part of this inscription probably covered by pasted-on label); Vol. II, leaf [2] verso, “Clefford [Po?]rter”; inside back cover, “C. G. Burnham” (pencil)
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- MS. music entry: Vol. I, leaf 7 recto: ISLE OF WIGHT, tenor, bass, Gm, 1|5-43-4|57-6|54|5, one version of 1st phrase of melody (missing one m.) crossed out + second version (labeled “correct”) written above it
- Call number: RBR
3. Bayley, Daniel. The Essex Harmony. [2nd ed.; ASMI 65.] Newburyport, Mass.: the author, 1771. Complete. BOUND WITH Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. Boston: John Boyles, 1771. BOUND WITH Appendix, containing a number of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts’s Scriptural Collection. Boston: John Boyles, 1771.
- Inscriptions: Brady + Tate t. p., “Aaron Green 1787.,” [child’s hand:] “ThOMAS HO[O?]P/e/RS” [S’s written backwards]; verso of Brady + Tate t. p., “[Stephen?] Hooper / Book” (pencil); verso of Appendix t. p., [child’s hand:] “ThOMasHooper Rhis BOOK / 1777 1721” [s’s written backwards]
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR B72.6 1771
4. Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant. Newburyport, Mass.: for the author, [1765-66]. ASMI 77A, though with first word of title on t. p. complete (ASMI has it as “Th[e]”). Lacks leaves 13, 16; t. p. missing one corner, with some loss of text. BOUND WITH Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. Boston: J. Kneeland and S. Adams, for J. Edwards, 1765. BOUND WITH Appendix, containing a number of Hymns, taken chiefly from Dr. Watts’s Scriptural Collection. Boston: Kneeland and Adams, for the Company of Stationers, 1765.
- Inscriptions: verso of Appendix t. p., “Josiah Bartlett”; Psalm-Singer’s Assistant. Leaf 14 verso, “I promise to pay to Thomas / kie[o?]f”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR B72.6 1765
5. Billings, William. The Continental Harmony. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1794. Lacks pp. 51-54, 2/3 of front cover.
- Inscription: fragmentary preliminary leaf, recto, “Ebenez”
- bookplates pasted inside front + back covers have this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Billings, William. The Psalm-Singer’s Amusement – SEE
- Howe, Solomon, probable compiler, and John Howe, probable printer.
6. The Boston Collection of Sacred and Devotional Hymns. Boston: Manning and Loring, 1808. Complete.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
7. [Boston, Brattle Street Church.] LXXX Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Boston: Manning and Loring, 1810. Complete.
- Inscription: likely owner’s inscription (and other writing) in pencil on 1st preliminary leaf recto; undecipherable to this reader
- No MS. music
- Call number:
8. [Boston, First Church.] Sacred Musick, selected for the use of The First Church in Boston. Boston: Joseph T. Buckingham, 1815. 4, [67], [1] pp. Appears to be complete. Completely disbound.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
9. [Boston, Trinity Church.] Hymns, selected from the most approved authors, for the use of Trinity Church, Boston. Boston: Munroe, Francis, and Parker, 1808. Complete.
- Inscription: t. p., “Stephen Codman 1808”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David – SEE
- Bayley, Daniel. The Essex Harmony
X. Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David – SEE
- Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant
10. Brown, Bartholomew, and others. Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Musick. 3rd ed. Boston: J. T. Buckingham for Thomas and Andrews, and J. West and Company, 1810. Complete. P. 116 misnumbered 114.
- Inscriptions: front cover, “A. Perkins.”; inside front cover, “Presented to the Congregational Library / by Rev. Israel Ainsworth / Beach [mont?] Mass. / 1921”; inside back cover, “Ansel Perkins / Worth”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
11. Brown, Bartholomew, and others. Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Musick. 3rd ed. Boston: J. T. Buckingham for Thomas and Andrews, and J. West and Company, 1810. Complete, though last three leaves (pp. 163-164, 165-166, 167-168) appear in reverse order. P. 116 misnumbered 114.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
12. [Brown, Bartholomew]. Templi Carmina. Songs of the Temple, or Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Music. 5th ed. Boston: West and Richardson, 1817. Lacks pp. 57-58, 81-82, 313-314; otherwise, appears to be complete.
- No inscriptions (other than list of tunes + p. nos. inside front cover)
- bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number: 1817
13. [[Brown, Bartholomew]. Templi Carmina. Songs of the Temple, or, Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Music. 7th ed. (Boston, 1819) or later.] Lacks pp. [1-2] (stub only); pp. [3-4] fragmentary; leaf bearing p. 321 + 1st p. of indexes fragmentary (only ca. 1/3 remains); final leaf, with remaining pp. of indexes, fragmentary (corner frayed, with some loss of text). Extra unpaged leaf between p. 240 + p. 241.
- Inscription: final unpaged leaf verso, “Winthr[op?]”
- No MS. music
- Call number: 1819
14. Cleaveland, Abigail. MS. music book, undated. 36 leaves. Last 12 leaves paged 26-49 by original owner. Several other leaves have p. nos. (e. g., 7-8, 22-23); these leaves have been left in their present positions, even though their numbering doesn’t coordinate with the final pp. 26-49. All leaves have been renumbered (as leaves) in this inventory.
- Inscriptions: leaf [1] recto, “Abigail Cleaveland’s Bo[ok]”; leaf [36] verso, “Phil[am?] Paine Cantenbury,” “Nabby Cleaveland,” “Phil[une?] / Paine,” “Canterbury,” “Phil[une?] Paine Hunting,” “Phil[uve?] Paine / Cantenbury”
- MS. music entries: appear to be all treble or counter parts; mostly sacred, with a few secular melodies; most entries have no texts many tune titles appear two or three times at different points in the MS.: e. g., treble part here, counter part there, treble again somewhere else
- MS. music entries:
- leaf [1] recto: [page frayed, so title not legible], “Treble,” C, 133|1D767|U1
- leaf [1] recto: RUSSIA [by Read], “Treble,” Am, 112|3211|D#7
- leaf [1] recto: AMANDA [by Morgan], Am, 1|32|55|3-4-54-2|1
- leaf [2] recto: 25, “Treble,” Am, 5|33|21|D7,|U2|3-4-5-4-|32|1D7|U1
- leaf [2] recto: DOVER, treble?, C, after 9 mm. rest, 3|2[-]1D7[-]6|5567|U1
- leaf [2] recto: STAFFORD, treble?, A, 1|5-4-34-3|2-1D7|U1
- leaf [2] verso-leaf [3] recto: JORDON [recte JORDAN, by Billings], “Treble,” A, after 4½ mm. rest, 1|14-3|2-43-2|3
- leaf [2] verso: WILMINGTON, “Treble,” Em, 555|7755|5,5|7U32-1D7|U1
- leaf [3] recto: REFUGE, treble?, Em, 133|33-455|5,|533|45U1D7|7
- leaf [3] recto: TROY, treble?, Am, 155|53-1|2
- leaf [3] verso-leaf [4] recto: SURRY, “Treble,” Eb, 567|U1D5|65-4|5
- leaf [3] verso-leaf [4] recto: HARMONY [= HUNTINGTON by Morgan], “Treble,” A, 1|3-2-13|22|112
- leaf [3] verso-leaf [4] recto: MONT[G?]OMERY [by Morgan], “Treble,” C, 5|U1113|22-1D7
- leaf [4] verso: GUILFORD, “Treble,” C, 1|D567-U12|23-45
- leaf [4] verso: LINCOLN, “Treble,” F, 355|5-43|4,5|1-2-33|45|5
- leaf [5] recto: [LYME? –this bit of top of page almost detached], treble?, C, 1|3234|51D7,7-6|5U122|1
- leaf [5] recto: GREENFIELD [by Edson], treble, Am, 1|1122|332
- leaf [5] recto: WELLS, treble, F, 3|553|543|2_|2
- leaf [5] verso-leaf [6] recto: [page frayed, so title not visible], treble?, at least 6 mm. rest, then this excerpt: if in F, 32|1|333|4544|55|5655|5|3|5532|[leaf [6] recto:]343|35-4-3-2-|1D7U16|5
- leaf [5] verso-leaf [6] recto: 46TH, treble?, if in F, 3|365|432|3_|3
- leaf [5] verso: SUFFIELD, treble?, Em, 5|1431|555_|5,5|1234|5
- leaf [5] verso-leaf [6] recto: NORWICH, treble?, Am, 1|3-2-1D7|U12|3
- leaf [5] verso-leaf [6] recto: HARTFORD, treble?, Dm, 5|5577|U1D7-65,5|5555|57-U1|D7
- leaf [6] recto: LENOX [by Edson], treble, 2 versions at once: one might be 1|3321|2,2|321D7-6|5, + the other might be 1|3311|D7,U2|1D767|U1 (all those notes are, or appear to be, present)
- leaf [6] verso-leaf [7] recto: WOR[THIN]GTON (top edge of p. frayed) [by Strong], treble, Dm, 555|U1D7U3-21|2
- leaf [6] verso-leaf [7] recto: MILFORD [by Stephenson], treble, A, 3 mm. rest, then 533|1-2-1-23-4|552
- leaf [6] verso-leaf [7] recto: 133, treble?, G, 1|33|55|4-32|1
- leaf [6] verso-leaf [7] recto: BUNKER [HILL] A SAP[P]HIC ODE, treble, Am, 1D7U1|24|3343|2D7
- leaf [6] verso-leaf [7] recto: MARYLAND [by Billings], treble, Am, 1|1321|D7
- leaf [7] verso-leaf [8] recto: RAINBOW [by Swan], treble, C, 1|D555-U1|D7-56U1|D7,|3332D7|U1
- leaf [7] verso-leaf [8] recto: MAJESTY [by Billings], treble, F, 3|54|55|65|5
- leaf [7] verso-leaf [8] recto: VIRGINIA, treble?, Em, 5|3355|6-7-5U1|D7, 1st 2 lines both set 8 syllables, whereas Brownson’s VIRGINIA is a C. M. tune (
- leaf [7] verso-leaf [8] recto: CONNECTION [by Billings], treble, E, 5|U11|1-D7-65|5
- leaf [7] verso-leaf [8] recto: BRIDGEWATER [by Edson], treble, C, 5|U11|D75U12+5[⇐half note G under quarter notes C + D]|3
- leaf [8] verso-leaf [9] recto: ANTHEM LUKE 2ND CHAP [by Stephenson], treble, G, 1|5-6-5-43|442|31, Behold I bring you glad tidings
- leaf [9] recto: GRAFTON, treble?, Dm, 5U11|D75|444,|455|5U1|D7U21_|1
- leaf [10] verso-leaf [11] recto: BRISTOL [by Swan], treble, 5|55|53|4-5-65|5
- leaf [10] verso-leaf [11] recto: REPENTANCE, treble?, Dm, 5|55|5U1|2-1D7-6|5,5|5U1|D77|54|5, Behold and see as you pass by
- leaf [11] verso-leaf [12] recto: DENMARK [by Madan], treble, D, 1|11|11-2-3|22|2, Before jehovah[’]s awfull throne
- leaf [13] verso: [page frayed, so title not visible], treble?, A or Am, 1|3[-]2-1D7|U13|2-1D7[-U1]|[2?],|3|5-6-53|2-1D7|U1
- leaf [13] verso: RAINBOW [by Swan], treble, C, 1D55|5-U1D7-5|6U1D7_|7
- leaf [13] verso: Indian Philosopher, “Tenor,” D, 133|3255|5,5U1D5|6563|2
- leaf [13] verso: BALTIMORE, treble?, clef + key signature missing (page frayed), if in C, first surviving notes are 134|531232|1D7U1432|3, see counter part on leaf [34] recto
- leaf [14] verso-leaf [15] recto: PROVIDENCE, treble?, G, 3|5556|5-3,6|2565|5
- leaf [14] verso-leaf [15] recto: WASHINGTON [by Billings], treble, E, 5U11|D55-6-7[slur sic]|U1, Lord when thou didst ascend on high
- leaf [14] verso-leaf [15] recto: KETTERY [KITTERY, by Billings], Am, 1|321D7|U11-D7-U1[slur sic], Our father who in heaven art
- leaf [14] verso-leaf [15] recto: AURORA [by Billings], treble, C, 1|3[-]45-3|1D7|U1, Awake my soul awake
- leaf [14] verso: LISBON [by Swan], treble, C, 1|1D567-U1|2, Oh let thy God & King
- leaf [15] recto: [The Indian Philosopher], treble, D, 556|5577|7, incomplete (only 1st 3 mm.), see next entry
- leaf [15] verso: The Indian Philosopher, treble, D, 556|5577|7, Why should our Joys transform to pain
- leaf [16] verso-leaf [17] recto: SYMPHONY [by Morgan], treble, Eb, 555|53|456U1|D7
- leaf [16] verso-leaf [17] recto: AMITY [by Read], treble, A, 1|1322|3
- leaf [16] verso-leaf [17] recto: PLYMOUTH [by Kilbourn], treble, D, 5|5U132-1|D5566|5_|5
- leaf [18] verso-leaf [19] recto: ANTHEM FROM SUNDRY SCRIPTURES [by Billings], treble, Gm, 1|3-21D7|U32|11|D#7
- leaf [20] verso-leaf [21] recto: ALL SAINTS [by Hall], treble, Cm, 1|D7755|5-6-7U1|D7
- leaf [22] verso-leaf [23] recto: MONTGOMERY [by Morgan], “Counter,” C, 3|5555+6|555
- leaf [22] verso-leaf [23] recto: JORDAN [by Billings], “Counter,” A, 5|55|55-#4|56-5|6
- leaf [22] verso-leaf [23] recto: DOVER, “Counter,” C, 6 mm. rest, then 132-1|556-54-3|2
- leaf [22] verso-leaf [23] recto: HARMONY [= HUNTINGTON by Morgan], “Counter,” A, 5|U11|D77|U1[1?]2
- leaf [23] verso-leaf [24] recto: FAREWELL [??] ANTHEM [by French], “Treble,” Am, 4 mm. rest, then 55|5433|255|5555|554-32|1, My friends I am going A Long & tedious jou[r]ney never to Return
- leaf [24] verso: TROY, “Counter,” if Am, 555|7U1|D7,7|77U1D5|5, See what [a living stone?]
- leaf [24] verso: REFUGE, “Counter,” Em, 111|111D7|U1,|111|2232|2
- leaf [25] recto: WILLIAMSTO[W]N, treble?, Gm, 1|5432|32-12_|2
- leaf [25] recto: SUFFIELD, treble?, Em, 5|1431|555_|5
- leaf [25] recto: CONNECTION [by Billings], treble, E, 5|U11|1-D7-65|5
- leaf [25] verso-leaf [26] recto: WELLS, treble, F, 3|553|543|2_|2
- leaf [25] verso-leaf [26] recto: MILFORD [by Stephenson], treble, A, 3 mm. rest, then 533|1-2-1-23-4|552
- leaf [25] verso-leaf [26] recto: WORTHINGTON [by Strong], treble, Dm, 555|U1D7U3-21|2
- leaf [26] verso-leaf [27] recto: REPENTANCE, treble?, Dm, 1|35|52-4|42|3
- leaf [27] verso: BETHEL, “Counter,” C, 555|6535|5
- leaf [27] verso: RUSSIA [by Read], “Counter,” Am, 555|5565|5
- leaf [27] verso: AMANDA [by Morgan], “Counter,” Am, 5|57|5-7[sic]7-5|3-4-55|5
- leaf [28] verso-leaf [29] recto: NORWITCH [sic], treble?, Am, 1|3-2-1D7|U12|3
- leaf [28] verso-leaf [29] recto: HARTFORD, treble?, Dm, 5|5577|U1D7-65,5|5555|57-U1|D7
- leaf [28] verso-leaf [29] recto: LENOX [by Edson], counter, C, 3|5554|5
- leaf [28] verso-leaf [29] recto: VIRGINIA [by Brownson?], counter, Em, 1|1132|2-4-33|5-2
- leaf [30] recto: LENOX [by Edson], treble, C, 1|3321|2
- leaf [30] recto: VIRGINIA [by Brownson?], treble, Em, 5|3355|6-7-5U1|D7
- leaf [30] verso-leaf [31] recto: NORWICH, counter, Am, 5|U1-2-1D7|65|5
- leaf [30] verso-leaf [31] recto: HARTFORD, counter, Dm, 1|3355|54-32
- leaf [30] verso-leaf [31] recto: 46, counter, if in F, 1|111|11D6|6
- leaf [30] verso-leaf [31] recto: CONNECTION [by Billings], counter, E, 1|33|42|3
- leaf [30] verso-leaf [31] recto: MAJESTY [by Billings], counter, F, 1|3-2-32|21|11|3, [The Lord?] descended from above
- leaf [31] verso: SUFFIELD, counter?, clef, key signature missing, if in Em, 1|3211|D77U1_|1
- leaf [31] verso-leaf [32] recto: MILFORD [by Stephenson], counter, A, 4 mm. rest, then 1D66|5-6-5-67|U1D7|6-55|5, If angels Sung a Sav[i]our[’]s birth
- leaf [31] verso-leaf [32] recto: WORTHINGTON [by Strong], counter, Dm, 135|555-43-4|5
- leaf [31] verso-leaf [32] recto: 133, counter, G, 5|5U1|D7U1|D65|5
- leaf [31] verso-leaf [32] recto: WELLS, counter, F, 5|555|5U11|D7
- leaf [32] recto: BRIDGEWATER [by Edson], C, 331|5532|3
- leaf [32] verso-leaf [33] recto: BUNKERHILL A SAP[P]HIC ODE, counter, Am, 555|56|7776|55, Why should vain Mortal[s?] tremble at the sight of; 2 verses of this text written on this p., neither underlaid
- leaf [32] verso-leaf [33] recto: MARYLAND [by Billings], counter, Am, 5|5555|5,5|5565|5, And must this Body die
- leaf [32] verso-leaf [33] recto: RAINBOW [by Swan], counter, C, 1|333|555|5, [’]Tis by thy strength the mountains stand
- leaf [33] verso-leaf [34] recto: WORCESTER [by Wood], counter, F, 5 mm. rest, then 5U11|D7766|5
- leaf [33] verso-leaf [34] recto: GREENFIELD [by Edson], counter, Am, 5|5577|55-67
- leaf [33] verso-leaf [34] recto: The Indian Philosopher, counter, D, 113|3222|2
- leaf [34] recto: LYME, counter, if in Cm, 5|5556|555,5-6|7655|5
- leaf [34] recto: BALTIMO[R?]E, counter, C, 556|555556|543655|5, treble? part on leaf [13] verso
- leaf [34] verso-leaf [35] recto: ANTHEM LUKE 2ND CHAP [by Stephenson], counter, G, 5|56|445|55
- leaf [35] verso-leaf [36] recto: The Indian Chief, melody, G, 5|534|565|422|2
- Collection number: RG5534
15. The Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes sung at the Chapel of the Lock Hospital. Boston: West and Blake, and Manning and Loring, [1809]. Complete.
- Inscription: t. p., “E. G. Hubbard, and R[.] C[.] Blatchford / October 14. . 1830”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
16. Cooper, William. An Anthem. Designed for Thanksgiving Day. But Proper for any Publick Occasion. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1792. Complete. BOUND WITH Gram, Hans. Sacred Lines, for Thanksgiving Day, November 7, 1793. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1793. Complete. BOUND WITH Gram, Hans. [caption title:] RESURRECTION. AN ANTHEM FOR EASTER SUNDAY. Charlestown, Mass., 1794. Complete. BOUND WITH Gram, Hans. [caption title:] BIND KINGS WITH CHAINS…AN OCCASIONAL ANTHEM. Charlestown, Mass., 1794. Complete. Not the independent issue of this piece, but pp. 109-116 of The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony, 5th ed., 1794.
- Inscription: front cover, “Thomas Gurn[e?]y-H[anson?]”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR C78.9
17. Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music. Northampton, Mass.: Graves and Clap, for S. and E. Butler, [1808]. Lacks pp. 23-24.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “From J A Parker 18[7?9?]6/ C G. Burnham” (pencil)
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. LXXX [Eighty] Psalm and Hymn Tunes – SEE
- Boston, Brattle Street Church
18. The Federal Harmony. Boston: John Norman, 1790. ASMI 185, with “Appendix,” pp. 115-130. Leaf with pp. 69-70 is just a stub.
- Inscription: p. [3], “Betsy Brewster”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
19. Forbush, Abijah. The Psalmodist’s Assistant. Boston: Manning and Loring, for the author, 1803. Lacks all after p. 64. inscription: preliminary leaf recto, “Presented to the Congl. Library, by David Howard.”
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Fragments from hymnals [Congregational Library catalog designation] – SEE
- Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist
20. [Goodale, Ezekiel.] The Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music. 2nd ed. Hallowell, Maine: E. Goodale, 1819. Lacks all after p. 210; leaf with pp. [1-2] is fragmentary.
- No inscriptions
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
- Cooper, William. An Anthem. Designed for Thanksgiving Day
- Cooper, William. An Anthem. Designed for Thanksgiving Day
X. Gram, Hans. Sacred Lines, for Thanksgiving Day – SEE
- Cooper, William. An Anthem. Designed for Thanksgiving Day
21. [Gram, Hans, Samuel Holyoke, and Oliver Holden.] The Massachusetts Compiler of Theoretical and Practical Elements of Sacred Vocal Music. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1795. Complete.
- No inscriptions (urn with initials ”G W” drawn in pencil on preliminary leaf recto)
- No MS. music
- Call number: 22.1.92
22. [Gram, Hans, Samuel Holyoke, and Oliver Holden.] The Massachusetts Compiler of Theoretical and Practical Elements of Sacred Vocal Music. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1795. Complete.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “Presented to the Cong.l Library, by W. T. R. Marvin.”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. The Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music – SEE
- [Goodale, Ezekiel.] The Hallowell Collection of Sacred Music
23. Harmonia Sacra, or A Compilation of Psalm and Hymn Tunes. Andover, Mass.: Flagg and Gould, 1816. Apparently complete (243 pp.).
- Inscription: slip of paper pasted inside front cover, “Property / of the / Mozart Musical Society. / No 25.”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
24. Hastings, Thomas, and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United. Rev. ed. Utica, N. Y.: William Williams, 1818. Appears complete with 273, [3] pp.
- No inscriptions
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music other than random “practice notes” on additional leaf
- Call number:
25. Hastings, Thomas, and Solomon Warriner. Musica Sacra: or Springfield and Utica Collections United. 2nd rev. ed. Utica, N. Y.: William Williams, 1819. Appears complete with 277, [3] pp.
- Inscription: 2nd preliminary leaf recto, “Levi Stedman’s / Book[e?] / Springfield”
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
26. [Holden, Oliver. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. 6th ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1797.] Lacks pp. [i-viii] (except for the stub of one leaf). Pp. ix-[x] frayed + missing a corner, with some loss of text.
- No early inscriptions
- MS. music entires: on 2 leaves (“a. l.”) sewn in after printed portion
- MS. music entries: all for 4 voices, with melody in tenor voice
- a. l. [1] recto: BLUE HILL [by Belknap], G, 1|1235|6-5-43|2, Eternal pow[’]r whose high above
- a. l. [1] recto: DEVOTION [by Read], C, 5|U112D7|U12|3, Sweet is the day of Sacred rest
- a. l. [1] verso: MOUNT MORIAH, Em, 5|U1D531|534_|4, Behold the aged sinner goes; not in HTI under title⇒melody incipit or melody incipit
- a. l. [1] verso-a. l. [2] recto: DELIGHT [by Coan], Em, 1D54|3[-]214, No Burning heats by Day
- a. l. [2] verso: FAREWELL ANTHEM [by French], Am, starts with bass: 1|5, then tenor: 5|U133|223|55[sic]6|5-43|22, My friends I am going A long & tedious Journey
- Call number:
27. Holden, Oliver. The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music. 3rd ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1801. Complete.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “C. G. Burnham” (pencil); inside back cover, “Solomon Winslow / North Yarmouth” (pencil)
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Holden, Oliver. The Union Harmony – SEE
- Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist
28. Holyoke, Samuel. The Christian Harmonist. Salem, Mass.: Joshua Cushing, 1804. Lacks pp. 169-176. Signatures disbound; paper crumbling; many pp. uncut.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
29. Holyoke, Samuel. The Columbian Repository [of] Sacred Harmony. Exeter, N. H.: Henry Ranlet, [1803]. Complete. Repairs made to t. p. with paper strips, with minor loss of text.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “I. [or J.] Putnam, / 1818----“
- No MS. music
- Call number:
30. [Howe, Solomon, probable compiler, and John Howe, probable printer.] The Psalm-Singer’s Amusement. [Greenwich, Mass., 1804-1810.] Complete; includes 2 unnumbered leaves containing t. p., rudiments, + one tune; pp. 1-8 “Additional” (typeset music); pp. 1-8 (typeset music; p. 7 before p. 6), 2 unnumbered leaves containing William Billings’s THE BIRD and THE LARK (engraved); and pp. 3-103 + 1 ?unnumbered p. (“40” at top left of p.?) from William Billings’s The Psalm-Singer’s Amusement, originally printed in 1781 (engraved). See ASMI, pp. 493-496, for a lengthy discussion of this item and a listing of issues; this one is ASMI 410A.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
31. Huntington, Jonathan. The Apollo Harmony. Northampton, Mass.: Horace Graves, 1807. Complete. BOUND WITH Huntington, Jonathan. The English Extracts, or Hampshire Musical Magazine. No. I. Northampton, Mass.: for the compiler, 1809. Includes (caption title, p. [33]): The English Extracts, or Hampshire Musical Magazine. No. II. Lacks pp. 55-56 (last 2 pp.).
- Inscriptions: inside back cover, “Wm Heath[’]s[d?] / Roxbury,” WHeath Rox” (both pencil)
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Huntington, Jonathan. The English Extracts – SEE
- Huntington, Jonathan. The Apollo Harmony
X. Hymns … for the use of Trinity Church, Boston – SEE
- Boston, Trinity Church
32. Johnston, Thomas. “To learn to sing…” (untitled tune supplement). Boston: Thomas Johnston, 1755. Complete. ASMI 304. BOUND WITH The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre. Being the New-England Psalm-Book Revised and Improved. Boston: D. Henchman and S. Kneeland, 1758.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “Miss H [F?] Thayer[s?]”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR P95.9 1758
33. Johnston, Thomas. “To learn to sing…” (untitled tune supplement). Boston: Thomas Johnston, [1756-59?]. Lacks leaf 16. ASMI 305, with solmization letters for note-heads. BOUND WITH an incomplete copy of The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre (pp. 49-334, so no t. p. with date).
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “Is this the version of / Sternhold & Hopkins; / or that of / New England?,” “‘It is the latter.’”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR P95.9 1762
34. Kimball, Jacob, Jr. The Essex Harmony. Exeter, N. H.: H[enry] Ranlet, for T. C. Cushing and B. B. Macanulty, 1800. Complete.
- No inscriptions (likely ownership inscription rubbed out on preliminary leaf recto)
- No MS. music
- Call number:
35. Das kleine Davidische Psalterspiel der Kinder Zions. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Samuel Saur, 1797. Complete.
- Inscriptions: preliminary leaf recto, German words in script unfamiliar to me, but includes date “Jun 14 / 1802”; 2nd additional leaf verso, “[Henry Hunsun?]”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
36. [Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. 3rd ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1791.] Lacks 1st (unnumbered) leaf.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “From J A Parker / C. G. Burnham” (pencil); fragmentary additional leaf verso, “Mary Parker”; inside back cover, “Brookfield / Mass”
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
37. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony. 5th ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1794. Complete.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Library card: in pocket mounted inside back cover records that Mrs. T. Putnam took this book out of the Congregational Library on 29 October 1953
- Call number:
X. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony – SEE
- Holden, Oliver. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony
38. Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing. 4th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: W. Hilliard, 1803. [2nd t. p.:] Law, Andrew. The Musical Primer; or the First Part of The Art of Singing. Complete. ASMI 328, but without the copyright notice on p. [2].
- No inscriptions
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
39. Little, Henry. The Wesleyan Harmony, or A Compilation of Choice Tunes for Public Worship. Hallowell, Maine: E. Goodale, 1820. Appears to be complete.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Little, Henry. The Wesleyan Harmony – SEE
- Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist
40. Little, William, and William Smith. The Easy Instructor; or, A New Method of Teaching Sacred Harmony. Albany: Websters and Skinners and Daniel Steele, [1814]. Lowens ed. Mb. Complete.
- Inscription: additional leaf verso, “Minerva Chapin”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. LXXX Psalm and Hymn Tunes – SEE
- Boston, Brattle Street Church
41. The Middlesex Collection of Church Music: or, Ancient Psalmody Revived. 3rd ed. Boston: Manning and Loring, 1811. Lacks pp. 53-54, all pp. after 166.
- Inscription: t. p., “Lavius Hyde; / April / 1814”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. The Psalm-Singer’s Amusement – SEE
- Howe, Solomon, probable compiler, and John Howe, probable printer.
42. The Psalms Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old & New-Testament: faithfully translated into English Meeter. 15th ed. Boston: B. Green for Nicholas Buttolph, 1711. ASMI 41. The only complete copy (at least of the musical portion) known; the two copies noted in ASMI lack the final leaf of music.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “[Aimeath? Sameatt? Samuel?] [Eames?]; preliminary leaf recto, “Elijah / Wyma[n?] / [?] 1793”
- No MS. music
- Note: sequence of the final three (disbound) leaves should be such that the following titles are at the top of each recto side: “Lichfield Tune,” “Cambridge Short Tune,” and [no title—continuation of “Psal. 119. Second Meeter ”]
- Call number: RBR P95.9 1711
43. The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English Meeter. 20th ed. Boston: J. Franklin for Nathaniel Belknap, 1722. ASMI 47. Musical portion complete.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “Daniel / Clemme / nt,” “Danl C Coles[w?]orthy / his Book” [name followed by “(1)”], “(1)My mother’s hand writing.”; t. p., “D. C. Colesw[o?]rthy.”; inside back cover, “Given to me by / my mother. / [D.?] C. C.”
- Stamped on p. 312 (last p. of music): “COLESWOR[TH?]Y”
- Inserted inside back cover, a printed slip: “There is lately reprinted, / The Psalms, and Hymns, and / Spiritual Songs of the Old and / New-Testament. / Faithfully translated into / English meeter, for the Use, / Edification and Comfort of / the Saints, in Publick and / Private, especially in New- / England. In Twelves. Price / bound I s. 6 d. / Printed for Richard Chiswell, / at the Rose and Crown in / Paul’s Church-yard.”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR P95.9 1722
44. The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, of the Old and New-Testament: faithfully translated into English Meeter. 21st ed. Boston: S. Kneeland and T. Green for Thomas Fleet, 1726. Not in ASMI (would be ASMI 48D). Lacks p. 309 of music; leaf with pp. 307-308 has small chunk missing from the middle, with some loss of text.
- Inscriptions: preliminary leaf verso, “Ebenezer Twiss his Book,” “John Twiss his Book / God gives him grace ther[e]in / to look and ther[e]in to read / And l[e]arn to know and / understend [sic] my hand John / Twiss”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR P95.9 1726
45. Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist. 2nd ed. Boston: Manning and Loring, for the author, 1812. T. p., preface, + music from this book on (at least) hand-numbered pp. 1-8, 11-24, 27-28, 35-36, 69-78, 83-92, + 95-98 of a composite volume. BOUND WITH Holden, Oliver. The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music…Vol. I. 3rd ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1801. T. p. + preface from this book on hand-numbered pp. 29-30 of the same vol.; also possibly music (pp. unidentified). BOUND WITH Little, Henry. The Wesleyan Harmony, or A Compilation of Choice Tunes for Public Worship. Hallowell, Maine: E. Goodale, 1820. T.p., “Dictionary of Musical terms,” + copyright notice from this book on hand-numbered pp. 101-102 of the same vol.; also possibly music (pp. unidentified). BOUND WITH The Village Harmony: or, New-England Repository of Sacred Musick. 16th ed. Exeter, N. H.: J. J. Williams, for the proprietor, 1819. T. p., copyright notice, + music from this book on (at least) hand-numbered pp. 121-150 of the same vol. BOUND WITH [Shumway, Nehemiah. The American Harmony. [1st] and/or 2nd ed. Philadelphia: John M’Culloch, 1793 and/or 1801.] Music possibly from this book on (at least) hand-numbered pp. 9-10, 25-26, 31-34, 37-40, 45-52, 55-68, + 99-100 of the same vol. Also included are title pages, other non-musical material, + possibly music from The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music, 2nd ed. ([Boston]: J. H. A. Frost for Richardson and Lord, 1823); J. H. Hickok and George Fleming, Evangelical Musick; or, The Sacred Minstrel and Sacred Harp United (Philadelphia: J. Whetham [+ 6 other firms in NY, PA, VA, + MS], 1836); and The Boston Academy’s Collection of Church Music, 4th ed. (Boston: J. H. Wilkins and R. B. Carter, 1836). As many as 12 different music fonts have been (somewhat speculatively) identified in this composite volume, which numbers 436 hand-numbered pp. in all. A sequential itemization of the volume’s contents may be found in Appendix B found at the bottom of this web document.
- Inscription: J. Read t. p., “W. C. Brown’s”
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- No MS. music
- Call number: 22.6.1 (also has call no. written inside front cover)
46. Sacred Harmony: being a Selection of Tunes of approved excellence suited to the various subjects and metres of the Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts, and also to the Supplement attached to them, by the Rev. Mr. Winchell. Boston: James Loring, 1819. Appears to be complete.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “Presented to the Congl. Library / by David Howard.”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Sacred Musick, selected for the use of The First Church in Boston – SEE
- Boston, First Church
X. Shumway, Nehemiah. The American Harmony. [1st] and/or 2nd ed. – SEE
- Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist
47. The Suffolk Selection of Church Musick. Boston: J. T. Buckingham, for Thomas and Andrews, 1807. Only half of final leaf (2 unnumbered pp.) remains. P. 68 misnumbered 66, p. 91 p. no. printed upside down.
- Inscription: preliminary leaf recto, “Westborough”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. Tans’ur, William. Royal Melody Complete – SEE
- [Bayley, Daniel]. The American Harmony
X. Templi Carmina – SEE
- [Brown, Bartholomew]. Templi Carmina
48. Turner, James A. “To learn to sing…” (untitled tune supplement). Boston: James A. Turner, 1752. Complete; a beautiful copy, faintly stained but otherwise pristine. BOUND WITH Barnard, John. A New Version of the Psalms of David; fitted to the Tunes used in the Churches. Boston: J. Draper, for T. Leverett, 1752.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “Sarah Ga[rd?]ner[’?]s / Book / 1811”; 1st preliminary leaf recto, “Presented to the Cong.l Library, / by W. W. Greenough.” (with Greenough’s presentation letter of 1884 tipped in); Barnard t. p., “Sarah Gardners / Book Boston”
- No MS. music
- Call number: RBR B25.5 N
49. [The Village Harmony: or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Musick. 10th ed. (Exeter, N. H.: C. Norris and Company, [1811?]) or 11th ed. (Newburyport, Mass.: E. Little and Company, [1812 or 1813]).] Lacks unpaged leaf bearing t. p., pp. [1-2], 25-26, all after p. 286. Pp. 23-24 missing a corner, with some loss of text.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “Benjamin Putnam / Danvers”; inside back cover, “Benjamin [T? L?] Putnam”
- no MS. music
- Call number:
50. The Village Harmony: or, Youth’s Assistant to Sacred Musick. 12th ed. Newburyport, Mass.: E. Little and Company, [1815?]. 331, [3] pp. Complete.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “Gilmanton Theol. Semy,, / No. 2438 / By B. Abbot, Dtr. Of Laws / Exeter Dec. 1842.”; preliminary leaf [1] recto, “J. E. Abbot. June 1816.”
- No MS. music: 9 leaves with musical staves bound in at end
- Call number:
51. [The Village Harmony: or, New-England Repository of Sacred Musick. Probably the 14th ed. of 1817.] Lacks all after p. 346 (14th ed. has [2], 347, [3] pp.); 1st 2 leaves fragmentary, but beginning of subtitle new with the 14th ed. (New-England Repository…) can be seen, as can preface date “Exeter, 1817.” 15 leaves with printed staves bound in after p. 346 (printed music); MS. music on the first of these additional leaves.
- No inscriptions: “MAR[Y?] JONES” stamped in gold on front cover
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- MS. music entries: all 4-voice settings, with melody in 3rd voice from top
- a. l. [1] recto: MADRID, Bb, 5|U1-D7U1|23|4-D67|U1, Sweet is the work my god my king
- a. l. [1] recto: LUTON, Eb, 5|56|54|32|1, With all my powers of heart and tongue; incomplete: entire treble part, 5 mm. of counter, 4 mm. (first phrase) of tenor + bass
- a. l. [1] verso: PARK STREET, Bb, 111|1-23|2-1D7|(3)[-]U1[-](1)[-](D7)[-](6)[-](5)[-](4), Hark, how the choral song of heav’n
- Call number:
X. The Village Harmony: or, New-England Repository of Sacred Musick. 16th ed. – SEE
- Read, Joel. The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist
52. Warriner, Solomon. The Springfield Collection of Sacred Music. Boston: Manning and Loring, for Warriner and Bontecou, 1813. Leaf with pp. 149-150 fragmentary; otherwise, apparently complete.
- Inscriptions: inside front cover, “C[.] G. Burnham” (pencil); t. p., “Elizabeth Lombard”
- Bookplate pasted inside front cover has this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM”
- MS. music entries: 2 unnumbered leaves taped inside back cover
- MS. music entries: appear to be all treble parts, melodic ornon-melodic
- a. l. [1] recto: OLD 100TH [by Bourgeois?], A, 3|32|1D7|67|U1
- a. l. [1] recto: ST[.] HELEN[’]S, C, 5|5U1|31|D65[or 6]|5
- a. l. [1] recto: COLCHESTER, C, 5|U1[-?]2[-?]32|D7-U12|D55|U1
- a. l. [1] recto: untitled tune, Bb, 1|12|12|3,|1|D7U1|23-2-1|D7
- a. l. [1] verso: HAVERHILL, G, 3-4|54-3|22-3|43-2|1, LoudLord [sic] haluj[?]hs [sic] to the Lord
- a. l. [1] verso: MARTIN[’]S LANE, F, 1|31|(5)[-]53-U1|D6-43-2|(2)[-]3
- a. l. [1] verso: BEDFORD, F, 1|35|63|41|5
- a. l. [2] recto: MARTIN[’]S LANE, F, 1|31[-](3)|53-U1|D6-4-33[sic]|(3)[-]3
- a. l. [2] recto: PECHAM [recte PECKHAM?], D?, 5|U12-3|2[-?]1D7|U1 (if this is a S. M. tune, but even then some notes appear to be missing), accidentals in key signature are flats on A + E and sharps on F + E
- a. l. [2] recto: LOUGHTON, Bb, 333|53|U14|2,D5|66|U43|(3)[-]2
- a. l. [2] verso: DUNSTAN, G, 131|43|21|5
- a. l. [2] verso: PS[.]148TH, G, 5|54|32|1-D7-U12|D7
- Call number:
53. [Warriner, Solomon. The Springfield Collection of Sacred Music. Boston: Manning and Loring, for Warriner and Bontecou, 1813.] Lacks all before p. [9]; otherwise, apparently complete.
- No inscriptions
- No MS. music
- Call number:
54. Willard, Samuel. Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music. Greenfield, Mass.: at R. Dickinson’s office, for Simeon Butler in Northampton, Mass. (printed by H. Graves), 1814. Appears to be complete.
- Inscription: inside front cover, “Huntington”
- No MS. music
- Call number: 1814
X. Willard, Samuel – SEE
- Deerfield Collection of Sacred Music
X. Williams, Aaron. Universal Psalmodist – SEE
- [Bayley, Daniel]. The American Harmony
55. [Worcester, Samuel.] Select Harmony: The Fourth Part of Christian Psalmody. 2nd ed. Boston: James Loring, for Samuel T. Armstrong, 1817. Appears to be complete.
- inscription: preliminary leaf recto, “David Lea[?]” (pencil); t. p., “D[avid?] L[?]”
- No MS. music
- Call number:
X. The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony – SEE
- Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony
- Holden, Oliver. Laus Deo! The Worcester Collection of Sacred Harmony
Unlocated, 2019
X. Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1765, possibly BOUND WITH Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant, [1764-68] RBR B72.6 1765 c.2
X. Brady, N[icholas], and N[ahum] Tate. A New Version of the Psalms of David, [1765], BOUND WITH Bayley, Daniel. The Psalm-Singer’s Assistant, [1769?] RBR B72.6 1766
Appendix A: Inscribed Names
When place names and/or dates are written in apparent association with a personal name, they appear here in parentheses.
Many books in the Congregational Library & Archives’ collection have pasted inside their front cover this printed legend: “NEW ENGLAND / PSALM, HYMN AND TUNE BOOKS / COLLECTION OF / REV. COLLINS G. BURNHAM.”
- Abbot, B. (Exeter, 1842) 50
- Abbot, J. E. (1816) 50
- Ainsworth, Rev. Israel (Beach[mont?] MA, 1921)
- Bartlett, Josiah 4
- Blatchford, R. C. (1830) 15
- Brewster, Betsy 18
- Brown, W. C. 45
- Burnham, C. G. 2, 17 (1876 or 1896), 27, 36, 52
- Chapin, Minerva 40
- Cleaveland, Abigail 14
- Codman, Stephen (1808) 9
- Colesworthy, Daniel Clemment 43
- [C?]ook, George 1
- [Eames?], [Aimeath? Sameatt? Samuel?] 42
- Gardner, Sarah (1811; Boston) 48
- Gilmanton Theological Seminary 50
- Green, Aaron (1787) 3
- Greenough, W. W. (1884) 48
- Gurn[e?]y-H[anson?], Thomas 16
- Heath, William (Roxbury) 31
- Hooper, [Stephen?] 3
- Hooper, Thomas (1777, 1721) 3
- Howard, David 19, 46
- Hubbard, E. G. (1830) 15
- [Hunsun, Henry?] 35
- Hyde, Lavius (1814) 41
- Jones, Mar[y?] 51
- Kie[o?]f, Thomas 4
- Lea[?], David 55
- Lombard, Elizabeth 52
- Marvin, W. T. R. 22
- Mozart Musical Society 23
- Paine, Phil[am?]/Phil[une?]/Phil[uve?] (Cantenbury, Canterbury) 14
- Parker, J. A. 17 (1876 or 1896), 36
- Parker, Mary 36
- Perkins, Ansel (Worth) 10
- [Po?]rter, Clefford 2
- Putnam, Benjamin [T.? L.?] (Danvers) 49
- Putnam, I. [or J.] (1818) 29
- Stedman, Levi (Springfield) 25
- Thayer, Miss H. [F.?] 32
- Twiss, Ebenezer 44
- Twiss, John 44
- Winslow, Solomon (North Yarmouth) 27
- Wyma[n?], Elijah (1793) 42
Appendix B: Source No. 45 – Volume with Pages from Multiple Tunebooks
MS. p. Nos. | Music Source | Content |
1 | t. p.: Joel Read, The New-England Selection; or, Plain Psalmodist. 2nd ed. Boston: for the author, by Manning and Loring, 1812. | |
2 | copyright info. for J. Read 1812 | |
3-8 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
9-10 | 2 | music from Nehemiah Shumway, The American Harmony, 1793 or 1801 |
11-24 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
25-26 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
27-28 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
29 | t. p.: Oliver Holden, The Union Harmony, or Universal Collection of Sacred Music…vol. I. 3rd ed. Boston: Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1801. | |
30 | preface from Holden 1801 | |
31-34 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
35-36 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
37-40 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
41-44 | 3 | music |
45-52 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
53-54 | 4 | music |
55-68 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
69 | preface from Read 1812 (dated “Attleborough, June 20, 1812”; mentions that this is 2nd ed.) | |
70 | blank | |
71-78 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
79-82 | 3 | music |
83-92 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
93-94 | 3 | music |
95-98 | 1 | music from J. Read 1812 |
99-100 | 2 | music from Shumway? |
101 | t. p.: Henry Little, The Wesleyan Harmony, or a Compilation of Choice Tunes for Public Worship. Hallowell, Maine: E. Goodale, 1820. | |
102 | “Dictionary of Musical Terms” + copyright info. from Little 1820 | |
103-114 | 5 | music |
115-120 | 6 | music |
121 | t. p.: The Village Harmony: or, New-England Repository of Sacred Musick. 16th ed. Exeter, N. H.: for the proprietor, by J. J. Williams, 1819. | |
122 | copyright info. from Village Harmony 1819 | |
123-150 | 7 | music from Village Harmony 1819 |
151-158 | 6 | music |
159-160 | 4 | music |
161-172 | 6 | music |
173-176 | 4 | music |
177-194 | 6 | music |
195 | t. p.: The Boston Handel and Haydn Society Collection of Church Music. 2nd ed. Richardson and Lord, 1823. | |
196 | copyright info. from Handel and Haydn 1823 | |
197 | “Explanation of Musical Terms” probably from Handel and Haydn 1823 | |
198 | “Errata” probably from Handel and Haydn 1823 | |
199-204 | 8 | music |
205-206 | 9 | music |
207-282 | 8 | music |
283 | t. p.: J. H. Hickok and Geo[rge] Fleming, Evangelical Musick; or, The Sacred Minstrel and Sacred Harp United. Philadelphia: J. Whetham [+ 6 other firms in NY, PA, VA, and MS], 1836. | |
284 | preface (incomplete) from Hickok and Fleming 1836 | |
285-336 | 10 | music |
337-388 | 11 | music |
389 | t. p.: The Boston Academy’s Collection of Church Music. 4th ed. Boston: J. H. Wilkins and R. B. Carter, 1836. | |
390 | advertisement from Boston Academy 1836 | |
391-436 | 12 | music [p. 436 is last p. in the vol.] |